Brockton Avenue 2

This couple decided to replace their lawn with California Native Plants. They left in place some Aloes and Agaves which were there when they moved in.

In the beginning - a few plants just getting started...

A few weeks later...

In view: Clarkias. Lupines, Poppies

The Plants

Identification by Carl and Ainsley

01abutilon_palmeri1330287w 02acmispon_glaber1380168w 03aloe1040469w 04clarkia_unguiculata1380453w 05clarkia1380444w
Indian Mallow Deerweed Aloes Clarkia Clarkia
06critter1370455w 07critter1380607w 08encelia_farinosa1380460w 09eriogonum_fasciculatum1380627w 10eschscholzia_caespitosa1380173w
Insects Lizard Brittlebush California Buckwheat Tufted Poppy
11eschscholzia_californica1360957w 12lupinus_succulentus1380095w 13nemophila_menziessi1370102w 14penstemon_spectabilis1380240w 15salvia_columbariae1360773w
Golden Poppy Lupine Baby Blue Eyes Penstemon Chia

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