Reminiscences of
Rebecca Peck Jones

by Clayton Jones

It is hard to find words to adequately express the influence that Becky has had on me. After high school I went to Riverside and lived with Dad and Becky for two years. During that time I learned an enormous amount about artistic things from her: the fundamentals of composition, value relationships, negative space, and such. I used to sit and watch her paint and we had many conversations about what art is, and isn't, what it means to be an artist. At the time I didn't realize how deeply her words and example were affecting me.

At her urging I did a bit of painting in college art classes. I also did my first darkroom work there with a college friend. Over the years my artistic focus became concentrated on black and white photography, and to this day Becky's influence deeply permeates my work. We kept in contact over the years, sharing work, letters, long phone conversations and occasional visits.

The past few years were especially precious to me as we found a shared spiritual dimension in our thoughts and discussions about working in art. I always loved her painting and was especially happy that she was returning to it. I was looking forward to my next visit and seeing her new work. We spoke on the phone the night before she passed away and she was looking forward to moving to her new home and settling in to painting.

Becky was a true artist. By that I mean her art was an expression of her complete existence, including the spiritual dimension. This was the most important part of what we shared, and what I shall miss the most. Becky touched many lives, both personally and through her work, and we are all the better for her gifts.


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